You would like a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on?
Die­se Sei­te auf deutsch

Truly tableous. Our solid wood tables.

The dining table holds an unmat­ched place in our dai­ly lives, ser­ving as the heart of gathe­rings and con­ver­sa­ti­ons. At Gar­ten & Woh­nen, we under­stand this, which is why our exclu­si­ve coll­ec­tion of solid wood tables is craf­ted with excep­tio­nal detail. Made from sin­gle, pre­mi­um slabs of wood, with table tops up to 7 or 8 cm thick, the­se mono­li­thic pie­ces are not just sui­ted for your indoor space—they shi­ne in your out­door are­as as well. Each table is a one-of-a-kind mas­ter­pie­ce, com­ple­te with uni­que grain pat­terns, knots, and tex­tures that tell their own sto­ry. No two are the same.

Your ima­gi­na­ti­on is the only limit when it comes to cus­to­miza­ti­on. From the wood’s grain, length, and width to choo­sing from our bespo­ke paten­ted table bases, every detail can be tail­o­red to your exact wis­hes. We even offer exqui­si­te dining chairs and table decor to com­ple­ment your set, making it per­fect for both indoor and out­door living.

Choo­se your sin­gu­lar pie­ce from the Gar­ten & Woh­nen coll­ec­tion, a table like no other in the world. Whe­ther in your gar­den, on your patio, or in your living room, this uni­que work of art is built to last a life­time, always exu­ding a tim­e­l­ess natu­ral ele­gan­ce. Let’s bring your visi­on to life—talk to us today!

E‑Mail Hot­line Solid Wood Tables
Telefon-Hotline Edi­ti­on Solid wood tables

Your personal consultation starts here:

For a detail­ed and per­so­na­li­zed con­sul­ta­ti­on, feel free to sche­du­le an appoint­ment with us. You can choo­se bet­ween a mee­ting at our show­room or in the com­fort of your home. Let us know what suits you best, and we will get back to you prompt­ly.

Have more ques­ti­ons? We’re hap­py to take the time for you.

TEL: 0251–328972
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Atmo­sphe­re can be crea­ted

Garten & Wohnen

2700 sqm Gardenworld

Ima­gi­ne the atmo­sphe­re, rela­xa­ti­on, and exclu­si­vi­ty of your living spaces out­doors. That’s what Gar­ten & Woh­nen offers you—spanning an impres­si­ve 2700 squa­re meters.

Life Outdoors

Let yours­elf be inspi­red and bene­fit from our 25 years of expe­ri­ence, along with expert advice, com­pre­hen­si­ve sup­port, and a gre­at cap­puc­ci­no.

Our Offer

In line with our mot­to, Gar­ten & Woh­nen today pro­vi­des you with a com­pre­hen­si­ve con­cept for the sple­ndid design of your out­door living space.

Outdoor Solutions

From con­sul­ta­ti­on to design and exe­cu­ti­on, inclu­ding mate­ri­al, color, and size sel­ec­tion, all the way to deli­very and planting—at Gar­ten & Woh­nen, you can count on us.

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