Luxu­ry Out­door Living and
Bespo­ke Solid Wood Tables

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Luxu­ry Out­door Living and Bespo­ke Solid Wood Tables

At Gar­ten & Woh­nen, we bring you the per­fect fusi­on of luxu­ry out­door living and excep­tio­nal craft­sman­ship. Our solid wood tables, with top thic­k­nes­ses up to 8 cm, are desi­gned to be both stun­ning cen­ter­pie­ces and dura­ble out­door essen­ti­als, blen­ding tim­e­l­ess ele­gan­ce with unmat­ched strength. The­se hand­craf­ted mas­ter­pie­ces are ide­al for any space, from sty­lish inte­ri­ors to ele­gant pati­os and gar­den are­as.

Each table we crea­te is a one-of-a-kind pie­ce, cap­tu­ring the beau­ty of natu­re in every grain and tex­tu­re. Made from pre­mi­um, solid wood, the­se tables are built to last and wea­ther the out­doors wit­hout com­pro­mi­sing their rich, natu­ral appeal.

But our offe­rings go bey­ond bespo­ke tables. Gar­ten & Woh­nen cura­tes a luxu­rious ran­ge of high-end out­door fur­ni­tu­re and access­ories from renow­ned brands, ensu­ring that your out­door space beco­mes a true exten­si­on of your home’s style and sophisti­ca­ti­on.

Cura­ted Coll­ec­tions for Out­door Luxu­ry

From exclu­si­ve out­door fur­ni­tu­re to desi­gner plan­ters, we offer ever­y­thing you need to crea­te a cohe­si­ve and ele­gant out­door living space. At Gar­ten & Woh­nen, we work with lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal brands to bring you:

Luxu­rious Out­door Fur­ni­tu­re: Sophisti­ca­ted, weather-resistant sea­ting, loun­ges, and dining sets desi­gned to ele­va­te any out­door set­ting.
Pre­mi­um Out­door Kit­chens: State-of-the-art designs com­bi­ning func­tion­a­li­ty and modern aes­the­tics for the ulti­ma­te al fres­co coo­king expe­ri­ence.
Beau­tiful­ly Craf­ted Plan­ters: Per­fect for adding the finis­hing touch to your gar­den, ter­race, or bal­c­o­ny.
Out­door Light­ing and Access­ories: Thoughtful­ly desi­gned pie­ces that enhan­ce your out­door space, day and night.

Find more infor­ma­ti­on on our web­site or under – KOL­LEK­TIO­NEN – in the menu
Tail­o­red Design & Plan­ning Ser­vices

Our team at Gar­ten & Woh­nen doesn’t just sell furniture—we help you rea­li­ze your visi­on for your out­door space. Whe­ther it’s a tran­quil gar­den, a sophisti­ca­ted patio for enter­tai­ning, or a com­ple­te out­door kit­chen set­up, we gui­de you through every step of the pro­cess.
Our ser­vices include:

Per­so­na­li­zed Con­sul­ta­ti­on: We start by under­stan­ding your uni­que needs and pre­fe­ren­ces, offe­ring expert advice to help you sel­ect the per­fect pie­ces.
Cus­tom Design & Plan­ning: We crea­te detail­ed plans that ensu­re every ele­ment of your out­door space, from fur­ni­tu­re to gree­n­ery, works in harm­o­ny.
Full-Service Deli­very & Instal­la­ti­on: Our team hand­les all aspects of logi­stics, making sure your out­door furniture/accessories are expert­ly deli­ver­ed and set up.

From con­cept to com­ple­ti­on, you can rely on Gar­ten & Woh­nen to trans­form your out­door area into a luxu­rious retre­at that reflects your per­so­nal style.

Seam­less Solu­ti­ons for Pri­va­te Resi­den­ces, Busi­ness and Holi­day Homes

Whe­ther you are fur­nis­hing your pri­ma­ry home or loo­king to enhan­ce your holi­day retre­at – par­ti­cu­lar­ly in Mal­lor­ca – Gar­ten & Woh­nen ensu­res a seam­less expe­ri­ence. Our team spe­cia­li­zes in orga­ni­zing the fast and relia­ble deli­very of all pro­ducts to pri­va­te resi­den­ces, busi­ness and vaca­ti­on pro­per­ties.

With years of exper­ti­se in logi­stics, we gua­ran­tee smooth, time­ly deli­veries that allow you to enjoy your new out­door space wit­hout hass­le. Whe­ther it’s custom-designed solid wood tables, luxu­ry fur­ni­tu­re, or careful­ly cura­ted plan­ters, ever­y­thing is taken care of, down to the last detail.

A Com­mit­ment to Qua­li­ty, Design, and Ele­gan­ce

At Gar­ten & Woh­nen, we belie­ve that out­door living should be just as refi­ned and com­for­ta­ble as life indoors. That’s why we focus on pro­vi­ding not only excep­tio­nal pro­ducts but also tail­o­red ser­vices that make the design and plan­ning pro­cess as enjoya­ble as the final result.

Explo­re our exclu­si­ve ran­ge of solid wood tables, pre­mi­um out­door fur­ni­tu­re, and com­ple­te gar­den solutions—whether you’re loo­king to revamp your out­door living space, crea­te a rela­xing gar­den retre­at, or build a state-of-the-art out­door kit­chen, we have the exper­ti­se
and resour­ces to bring your visi­on to life.

More Infor­ma­ti­on or Ques­ti­ons? We’­re Here to Help!

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Uni­que Table­tops with No Seams

Hand­craf­ted Solid Wood Lounge Tables

Your Gar­ten & Woh­nen

Your per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on starts here:

For a detail­ed and per­so­na­li­zed con­sul­ta­ti­on, feel free to sche­du­le an appoint­ment with us. You can choo­se bet­ween a mee­ting at our show­room or in the com­fort of your home. Let us know what suits you best, and we will get back to you prompt­ly.

Have more ques­ti­ons? We’­re hap­py to take the time for you.

TEL: 0251–328972
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